Monday, February 8, 2010


...and so, I turned 21 years old last Sunday. I had a great time with my friends on Saturday night till Sunday morning. Thanks for the steambot, the karaoke and the birthday cake. Most of all thanks for being there with me. Really appreciate it my friends. God will definitely bless all of my friends more. Cheers to that! LOL I wish each and everyone of my friends are there but that is not as easy as i thought.

Thanks God I get to live for 21 years now.
Thanks for the gift you posted to me. ya, you know who you are.
Thanks Eric for the gift too. syg km eric, I feel so gai! hahaha. nahh, juz kidding.
Thanks each and everyone of my UTM friends.
Thanks for the comment and sms my friends.

Thanks... more love and more bless to you all. God bless!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Something bout' something...

....... I'm on the NICE list... TRUST ME